Adrienne claims the pictures were only meant for her true love Robert Kardashian (brother of Kim).
Her spokesman, Jonathan Jaxson (who also runs a gossip blog -- how convenient), issued this statement to TMZ:
"The photos that have surfaced of Adrienne Bailon were stolen from her laptop over a week ago at an airport in NY and sent to several media outlets. These photos were taken in private. Adrienne will be pursuing legal action against the person or person's sending these private photos out. Adrienne is deeply sorry for any pain this may have caused to her fans."
And in the fine tradition of the pot calling the kettle black, you might remember that Adrienne was the first to come out against fellow Disney starlet Vanessa Hudgens when her set of nudie pics surfaced. Adrienne's catty remark was, "*I* keep my clothes *on*..." Yeah, I'll bet.
And I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees the one degree of separation between herself and Kim Kardashian, the Queen of Trashy Do-Nothing "Fame." Kardashian's father, you'll remember, was one of the team of OJ Simpson's original defense lawyers...the ones who helped him get away with murder with their race baiting and hate mongering.
Manic Monday, indeed.