
New Year's Resolutions

Considering or planning a resolution of change for the new year? Do you have a mental list or actual list of resolutions of change? And has the New Year Resolution become a game to you? Do you take it lightly or has it become a challenge of serious importance to you? Allow me to share my own experiences with the New Year Resolution.

What's the point of a resolution in the first place? Improvement? Like ending a bad habit, self improvement or guilt? The idea behind the New Year's Resolution is simple. You are using the beginning of a new year as a means to start fresh in achieving your goal. It could be a better path to either achieve a personal goal or make a change in your life that will improve your life. Let's cover the typical list of standby resolutions (according to U.S. Government data) many of us decide to take a crack at. I'll add my two cents to these as what comes to mind as I see them.

Lose weight (self-improvement)
Manage debt/save money (living responsibly)
Get a better job (quality of life)
Get fit (self-improvement)
Eat right (health)
Get a better education (quality of life)
Drink less alcohol (health)
Quit smoking (health)
Reduce stress overall and/or at work (quality of life)
Take a trip (recreation)
Volunteer to help others (guilt)

I look at these things. I get it. We all want a better future. It takes work. Nothing on that list above is simple. It takes a commitment to change your life. It takes work. However here in America, our society has gone far from the concept that you need to earn what you want. The prevailing mental model throughout our country is that it's your birthright to have a nice car, or big house or even health despite smoking every day. Then when it comes time to pay the piper, we deny responsibility. If you are the type to shift that blame and take no accountability for your actions, behavior or lifestyle, why then should a new year's resolution make any sense to you? Why bother?

Now if you are not the type that believes yourself an entitlist, then let's consider how to achieve your goal or goals. No matter what it is.

First off, understand that what you want to do should be memorialized. Write it down, or write them down. This may sound like a pansy idea for geeks but it is a real serious element in success of a real goal you set. The mind moves towards what it sees. If you write down one, three, five or twenty new year's resolutions (or goals) down on paper and put them up where you can personally see them every day, that constant reminder will keep on you track. When I was a lad of 25 I worked for a big company and I posted mine in my cube. I hit eight of ten that year. From finding a steady girlfriend to buying a boat. I'm certain having to look at them daily made a difference in my reaching many of my goals that year.

Which leads me to my next point. Make your goals something achievable. Make them realistic. I'm not saying pie-in-the-sky goals are not worth aiming for; but if you set lofty goals then set smaller goals up that lead to the greater goal. Do it in steps. You can't climb Everest if you don't take climbing lessons first, then practice at a local rock climbing club, then climb a local mountain, etc... You can't date the hotest girl in school if you don't date some other girls that can get you noticed, or if you don't join a club she participates in etc... Sometimes smaller goals make more sense in order to reach your greatest goal.

You don't need to start on New Year's Day. But since it is upon us, why not mark it or give it a shot. If you fail, don't quit. Start again if you must. In my book you only fail when you give up. Edison comes to mind, he had many failures on his way to the light bulb and other inventions. He never truly quit. You can fail on the way to success. Remember that.

Positive energy. I preach this and live it. Surround yourself with people that are winners, or at least people that give off good energy. Nay-Sayers bring you down and they want you to fail so you can be like them. Move on in life. Do better.

That list I mentioned earlier? Consider making it public. I learned long ago, making your goals public adds incentive. It means you know others are watching and we often don't like to fail when people are watching. I posted my list in my cubicle remember? Well, I answered to that in staff meetings on occasion. I was motivated to succeed. You can post one in your bedroom or somewhere your whole family can see it. And I again... it does not need to be a list of twenty or thirty goals. It can be as short as one. Be true to yourself.

I'll close with repeating what I feel is most important. You don't need the new year to begin again. Begin every time you need to begin again. It can be in February or November. Remember, the mind moves toward what it sees. What do you see in your future?

-Lars Hindsley

What Are Celebs Doing For New Year's 2009?

Several stars are hosting New Year’s Eve parties in Las Vegas. Usher will ring in 2009 at The Bank while Lance Bass and Denise Richards will party at Prive. Carmen Electra will rock Tao and Fergie is hosting a bash at Lavo. Meanwhile on the east coast, Macy Gray is hosting a Greenhouse party at Setai, Mario Lopez will be in NYC at Marquee and David Schwimmer and Mira Sorvino will appear at Nikki Midtown. Don't forget when we reminded you about the party being hosted by the Kardashian sisters!

Meanwhile, over in NYC, The New York Police Department is being cautious over the "mob scene" that could result when the Jonas Brothers perform in Times Square at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest on Wednesday night. What were they thinking? New York City is crazy enough on New Years, but now they decide to throw in the Jonas Brothers and all their crazy tween fans!? Reports are stating that the police are planning on putting extra security all around Times Square to keep the brothers and their fans safe!

Jennifer Aniston plans to toast the New Year in Mexico! The star of the Christmas box office record holder Marley & Me arrived in Los Cabos over the weekend where she plans to spend the holiday with Courteney Cox Arquette, her husband David and their daughter Coco. Will boyfriend John Mayer be there, too? We are thinking... YES!

Actress Zooey Deschanel Engaged!

Zooey Deschanel (a.k.a. Katy Perry's celeb look-alike) is ready to walk down the isle! The starlet/singer, 28, and Death Cab for Cutie singer Ben Gibbard, 32, who is also in the indie band the Postal Service, got engaged before the holidays!

How exciting! Well, this couple has confirmed they are getting engaged, now, we just have to work on Tom & Gisele!

Deschanel, currently starring in Yes Man opposite funnyman Jim Carrey. She also starred in the popular holiday movie, Elf, alongside Will Ferrell. She displayed her music skills in that film with a cute rendition of, "Baby, It's Cold Outside." Remember?

Bristol Palin Pops!

Bristol Palin, the 18-year-old daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, gave birth to son Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on Sunday in Palmer, Alaska. Hmm, we wonder if this baby will be all over the tabloids in the coming weeks, too. Is this baby considered a celebrity baby?

Baby Tripp takes his surname from his dad, Levi Johnston, an apprentice electrician and former Wasilla High School hockey player who has been dating Bristol for three years. Bristol Palin is currently residing in Wasilla and completing her high-school diploma through correspondence courses.

John Mayer's Christmas Cover!

31-year-old musician John Mayer recently covered Mariah Carey’s holiday classic “All I Want For Christmas Is You." The holidays aren't over just yet, friends! We like the cover, it's a pretty fun take on the Christmas song, have a listen! It's pretty simple and sounds like it was live but I enjoy it! Still puts you in a holiday mood! Check out the video below of John performing Mariah’s most successful song ever!

Free Cab Rides From Diddy!

Diddy is offering free cab fare to New Yorkers this New Year’s Eve party goers.
The 39-year-old music mogul and Ciroc premium vodka have teamed up with City Taxi & Limousine Commission and E! Entertainment to distribute thousands of debit cards, valued up to $15.

“New York is the world’s most iconic New Year’s Eve City,” Diddy says. “So let’s lead by example and show everyone that a sophisticated holiday celebration doesn’t just end when the ball drops, but when everyone gets home safely.”

We like it, Diddy! Street teams will distribute the debit cards in the Times Square area and Chelsea’s nightclub areas between 11PM on New Year’s Eve and 3AM on New Year’s Day. Pretty cool, huh? If you're crazy enough to be in NYC for New Years' (ha,ha!), perhaps you can take advantage of this cool idea! Diddy wants YOU to party responsibly!

Matt Dillon Arrested (Uh, Oh!)

Matt Dillon, 44, was arrested Tuesday night after being pulled over by Vermont state police for excessive speeding. What was Dillon doing in Vermont of all places? The actor/director clocked at 106 mph traveling on interstate-91 north in the town of Newbury.

He was photographed, finger printed and released with a citation to appear at Orange County Court next month.
Dillon is best known for playing the role of a corrupt L.A. cop in the 2004 flick "Crash." He was also in "You, Me and Dupree" most recently.


Katy Perry Exposed!

When you can never get enough of Katy Perry, this is really very satisfying; and is it just me or do you think Katy Perry needs to kiss a guy too? Let's face it with a body such as this (9 out of 10) there is plenty of Katy Perry to go around.

I'm certain she does not need to only kiss a girl. She better be kissing guys too; anything less is a sad waste. For you men (and girls) of discerning taste, be sure to click on these photos for larger more glorious shots.

Vote for Blue Sinatra!!!!!!!!

Blue Sinatra is in a competition for the "Best Emerging Philly Band of '08" on The Deli, an indie blog site. Please be sure to click the link below and show the band some love by leaving a comment, and don't forget to include your email address, MySpace, or Facebook link to be sure your vote will count!!!

Can't wait to see what Blue Sinatra has in store for 2009!


Phantom Sequel set for 2009

Andrew Lloyd Webber has announced that he is writing a sequel to The Phantom of the Opera, the world's most successful musical, which is slated for a multi-city release in 2009.

The musical, Phantom: Love Never Dies, will be opening at the end of 2009 on Broadway in New York, in London's West End and in Shanghai all on the same day. The three-city opening would be groundbreaking, as Phantom 2 is the only musical to ever have simultaneous openings.

“I don’t think you could do this if it wasn’t the sequel to Phantom,” he told the Time of London. “We’ve been into the feasibility of rehearsing three companies at once and opening very fast in the three territories. The one which really interests me [in the Far East] would be China … I think to open ‘Love Never Dies’ in Shanghai would be an enormous thing.”

The sequel to Phantom, which debuted in 1986 with Michael Crawford at the helm, will take place a decade after the original musical on Brooklyn's Coney Island.

“It was the place,” Lloyd Webber said. “Even Freud went because it was so extraordinary … people who were freaks and oddities were drawn towards it because it was a place where they could be themselves.”

The Phantom, who mysteriously disappears at the end of the original musical, will reunite with his lost love Christine. The iconic roles have yet to cast.

"We are pretty clear who our Phantom is going to be — I can’t say who," Lloyd Webber said.

Phantom of the Opera is the longest running show on Broadway. The story was based on the novel of the same name by Gaston Leroux. In 2004, the show was adapted for the big screen starring Gerard Butler as the Phantom and Emmy Rossum as Christine.

Another happy wedding announcement!

Today is Tuesday, and there's reason to celebrate (well, aside from the fact that there is less than 48 hours before the new year)! Royal stoner Woody Harrelson married his girlfriend of like ten millions years, Laura Louie, on Sunday in Maui.

Okay, they've really been together for 20 years, but that's like ten million in stoner time.

Willie Nelson, Sean Penn and Owen Wilson were all guests. Instead of toasting with champagne, they held up their bongs. The wedding cake was probably made out of pot brownies.

UsWeekly says that Alanis Morissette sang.

Congrats to these two crazy stoners. May they have many more years of bonging together!


Why So Classy?: The Divorce Edition

Now THIS is what I expect from a JLo divorce announcement -- pure drama!!! Just goes to show you that you can take the girl out of the Bronx, but you can't fill in the rest. SUCIA!!!

Gatecrasher says that on this coming Valentine Day, JLo will join Marc Anthony onstage at Madison Square Garden in NYC where they will sing a farewell duet together and announce their divorce to everyone.

JLo and Marc Anthony announced she was knocked up with their twins at one of their concerts in Miami, so she feels this is a fitting way to announce that their marriage has bitten the dust. A friend of JLo's said, “Jennifer is planning on joining Marc onstage for a surprise duet." (BG's note: Is it REALLY a surprise now that it's been announced in GATECRASHER? No, I don't think so...) "Things haven’t been right for a while now, and they thought it would be bittersweet." (BG's note: They thought incorrectly!)

JLo and Marc Anthony announcing their divorce through song?! I believe it, because this is definitely something JLo would do. Why so classy, JLo?! WHY SO CLASSY?!

Amy Winehouse is still a mess

Thank Gods some things never change...
You may remember that Alex Haines used to be Wino's personal assistant and they got a little too personal while he was working for her (her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, was in the slammer at the time).

Well, Alex has now done what most people involved with Wino do: he sold his story to The News of the World.

Alex's revelations about Wino won't make your eyes bulge in shock, but it is a good after church read. Among the "shocking" revelations:

  • Wino dined on a hearty breakfast of toast and crack every morning.

  • Wino spent £3,500 a week on drugs and made crack pipes out of old drink bottles! She also once used a screwdriver to scrape out the residue from her crack pipe. “When Amy ran out of the drug it she would cut the bottle in half and sit there on the floor completely wired, scraping the inside to get the residue with a screwdriver."

  • Wino is a bulimic who lives off of McDonald's and Crunchie bars! Alex says she used his toothbrush to barf.

  • Wino was like Alex's own personal porn star. She was addicted to sex and wanted it four or five times a day. "When I stayed at hers I would be asleep downstairs and there would be this little girl on the bed crawling towards me waking me up for sex.”

  • Wino is a cutter!!! "Cutting herself was her favorite pastime.”

  • Wino is afraid she might join the 27 club of rock stars who died at the age of 27. (YOU THINK?!?!?!)

  • Wino wanted to prove to every one that she was the cokiest cokehead who ever coked, so she once snorted a line that was 20 centimeters long!!!

  • Wino's favorite drink is super classy. She loves vodka with supermarket tropical juice!!

    Did you get all that? Wino is a bulimic, a crackhead, a cutter, a nympho and she's also the Martha Stewart of the crackworld. Basically, she's like every after-school special rolled into one mess of a package.
  • Joe Jonas Gets an Unwanted Christmas Present

    Here's a video of the goings-on in the ring of Hell that Dante missed (aka a Jonas Brothers concert). In this clip, Joe Jonas gets a gift that he starts to grab at first (at the 0:28 mark), but when he realizes it's a bra of some sorts, he drops it like it's on fire! He's totally saying to himself, "Ewwww! Girl cooties!"

    I also need to slap my eye balls for actually thinking Joe Jonas looks semi-hot here. Why would my eye balls send that message to my brain?! Ugh. I mean, he's a Jonas brother, he's barely legal, and he has a 1920s bob!

    Let's just pretend this never happened. A Jonas brother?! Maybe I'm officially becoming a 14-year-old girl. Gross.


    Why You May Never See Watchmen

    Oh my... A judge has ruled on the Watchmen case. What! You say? You didn't know there was one? It's complicated. Two studios are at war and a judge which no one thought would make a ruling on it, has. What is more amazing is it is a ruling no one expected, not even the studio that the judge ruled in favor of. Sound familiar in today's society? Here is what you should know. The current ruling now puts the release of the movie in question--not just the release date.

    The crux of the matter is 20th Century Fox has won a claim against Universal which now gives Fox a copyright interest in the Watchmen. Why? Because Warner Brothers should have never started filming Watchmen without the rights issue resolved prior. Fox has been attempting to halt the release of Watchmen and now they can. Will they? Money is involved so you bet it may happen.

    What if the film is released later? Fanboy's should still care. Fox is well known for tight budgets and keeping films short on running times. Watchmen is complete, so budget is no longer at issue. But Watchmen is currently 2.5 hours long. Watchmen faithful may already be upset by the new ending of Watchmen, but to hack up the film after production is complete may cause a rift in viewership. Early word already is fans may boycott Wolverine in protest of the studio infighting.

    Is it possible the most of Watchmen you may ever see are trailers like this one?

    As a footnote, the current ruling is a short version. The judge in the case will offer a longer detailed ruling. What this means to us common folk is that this gives the judge some time for perspective which offers clarity to the implications of his ruling. A judge can then craft the more detailed ruling to force both sides to play nice and settle the matter. The judge may even issue a ruling that the film release and date are permitted and the money issue can be resolved after. But now with a ruling in place, both studios are most likely going to resolve the matter between themselves.


    DC's Green Lantern get's spoiled!

    The good news and early word on DC's Green Lantern project is that it will be strong on story and not insult the intelligence of non Green Lantern fans. Could DC be learning from the wisdom of Chris Nolan with his thinking man's Batman franchise.

    PCM has found a detailed story line of the Green Lantern Movie now well under way. Be advised this is a long detailed spoiler of the Green Lantern movie.

    The only question we at PCM are now asking is, if the Green Lantern project has not yet started as (Alan Horn) President of Warner Brothers quoted on 12/18/2008 in reference to Green Lantern: “Also on the board. On the runway. Hasn’t taken off yet, but we’re close".

    Horn also states on Justice League, "Not yet". So you can stop youtubing for Justice League. It's just not in the works.



    Signed Posters from The Spirit on eBay

    Just in time for the holidays! On behalf of Lionsgate, we are pleased to announce eBay charitable auctions for five posters from "THE SPIRIT” signed by Frank Miller, Eva Mendes, Scarlet Johansson, Gabriel Macht, Samuel L. Jackson and Dan Lauria, plus an additional sixth poster package that includes a cast signed poster, THE SPIRIT snow globe, THE SPIRIT action figure and THE SPIRIT coffee table book. All the proceeds will benefit the The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. All items will be sent with a signed letter verifying their authenticity. Auctions begin today and will continue through the weekend, ending December 26th, 2008. Interested fans and collectors should be aware there are only a limited amount of posters and items available.

    Included In This Package:

    A Signed Poster from Frank Miller, Eva Mendes, Scarlet Johansson, Gabriel Macht, Samuel L. Jackson, Dan Lauria

    A Hand Signed Letter from a Lionsgate Executive

    Click on the following links to view the auctions:

    Linkin Park Invites Fans To Spend The Holiday On Road To Revolution!

    Linkin Park is treating fans to a free holiday showing of the international broadcast version of their new concert DVD ROAD TO REVOLUTION—Live At Milton Keynes (Machine Shop Recordings/Warner Bros. Records). The electrifying footage will stream for 24 hours beginning 12:01 AM on December 24th via the Linkin Park Media Player on At the same time, Meebo will let fans discuss the new DVD in real time in the Linkin Park Meebo Room.

    “We wanted to give the fans something special for the holidays,” says Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington. “The Milton Keynes show was a special concert for us and by streaming it online, we can share that experience with all of our fans around the world.”

    The Linkin Park media player gives fans the opportunity to engage with Linkin Park content online through their own web sites and communities. Viewers get instant access to exclusive content, and can enjoy a rich catalog of live performances and music videos. In addition to keeping in touch with the band, fans use the media player as a form of expression on their own sites, and as a communication tool among other fans. Hosted on more than 20,000 sites across the web, the player empowers Linkin Park fans to own a piece of one of their favorite bands. The band will also use a Meebo Room to enable real-time social interactions between fans during the free streaming event on December 24th. Fans can download the Linkin Park Media Player, which will be featured along with the band’s Meebo Room, at Linkin Park will also integrate the Meebo Room into on a permanent basis to let fans continue conversations about the band that began during the DVD showing.

    During the broadcast, fans can purchase the double-disc CD/DVD ROAD TO REVOLUTION—Live At Milton Keynes package via the Linkin Park media player and receive a free limited edition Linkin Park poster.

    Released on November 25th, ROAD TO REVOLUTION—Live At Milton Keynes captures the band’s June 29, 2008 show at the Milton Keynes National Bowl during the sold-out European leg of this past summer’s Projekt Revolution tour. Linkin Park’s Projekt Revolution has become one of the summer concert season’s annual heavyweights and the Milton Keynes gig—played to a packed house crowd of almost 50,000 people—was the biggest in the tour’s six-year history.

    Packaged in recyclable eco-friendly materials, ROAD TO REVOLUTION—Live At Milton Keynes features hidden bonus tracks and an eye-popping multi-page booklet that includes exclusive, never-before-seen live photos. The CD/DVD set highlights a mix of new hits, including latest single “Leave Out All The Rest,” classic tracks such as “Breaking The Habit” and “Crawling” and two special performances—“Jigga What/Faint” and “Numb/Encore”—featuring Grammy winning rapper Jay-Z.

    In other news, Linkin Park recently became the first group to ever surpass the four million fan milestone on iLike, making them the most popular band on the leading social music discovery service or any online fan community.

    AP Names Tina Fey Entertainer of the Year

    The AP has announced its entertainer of the year. Tina Fey! I don't recall getting a vote on this! Tina Fey? Are you kidding me? Not Kitt Badlove? I'm equally as entertaining! Just ask my co-writers on staff. Actually the AP voting is made by Newspaper editors and broadcast producers.

    While I didn't care for Tina's false caricature of Sarah Palin this year, I must reluctantly agree... Tina has it going on this year. And even if 30 Rock isn't spot on this season, Tina has doubled up on exposure through SNL to give her the street cred she deserves. At age 38 Tina has hit stride in the past few years with TV and film.

    The runners up this year were Robert Downey Jr. and Heath Leger. Just remember... Next year is the year of Kitt Badlove.

    Happy Barfday Everyone!

    The classy Jodie Marsh, pictured, turns 30 (in publicist years) today.

    Also celebrating a birthday: former teen heart-throb/meth-head Corey Haim (he turns 37 -- 37?!?! OY GODS! Is it wrong that I remember when he was 17?!? Of course, I lusted after Corey Feldman myself...), France's first lady/former model/ex-girlfriend of Mick Jagger Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (she turns 41, and could pass for Pam Anderson's daughter), Pearl Jam's oft-imitated-never-duplicated lead singer Ed Vedder (he turns 44), and soap opera legend Susan Lucci (she turns 62, and could pass for Pam Anderson's daughter...I kid, I kid...).

    Happy Barfday Everyone!

    Behold, the happiest couple in America...

    JLo is not above having a Maury moment with Marc Anthony, but she sends her cousins to do her dirty work instead.

    JLo apparently likes to keep close tabs on her man, so she sent her assistant to look after him while he was on tour.

    JLo couldn't be bothered by going, because she was too busy yelling at the Dragon Tales Twins' nannies and rolling around in mounds of bronzer.

    A source told Page Six, "She wanted reports back so he didn't cheat on her."

    SO classy...

    File this under: WTH?!

    This is the kind of utter garbage that is created when you give a worthless moron with a 4-year-old's brain tons of money.

    Paris Hilton took a perfectly good Bentley and doused it in Pepto-Bismol. The Daily Mail says Paris's new car cost her $200,000.

    SO classy...

    Dustin Hoffman's Dirty Letterman Story

    Dustin Hoffman made watching TV worth while last night when he told a whopper of a short story. Some of you may recall a film Dustin was featured in; Tootsie.

    Where In The World Is.. Matthew McConaughey?

    Fresh from a worldwide road trip, the new dad, 39, took to his MySpace Celebrity blog Saturday to share his recent "just keep livin'" moments and reveals how he spent his Nov. 4 birthday. He's been a pretty busy guy lately! What a cute family portrait, courtesy of his MySpace, though!

    "I spent my 39th birthday on the southern rim of the Grand Canyon," he blogs of his special day with girlfriend Camila Alves and son Levi, 5 months. "[I] almost got 'butted' off the edge by a ram and caught some shooting stars." Mother Nature created something that looks so fake, it's real. I was once again reminded of how good looking this country is."

    He also went to Brazil with Alves and blogged about that adventure. "I went to Brazil for the first time to visit my lady's family and tour the land a bit," McConaughey blogs. "Found a very proud and happy culture there. We ate, we drank, we danced, and they tolerated my stumbling through the Portuguese language....I will return, beautiful country, beautiful and classy people...thanks"

    The Brand New Kendra!

    Bridget Marquardt may have lived in the Playboy Mansion with Kendra Wilkinson, but she hardly recognizes her former housemate – and The Girls Next Door castmate – anymore. And that's not a bad thing.

    "She's doing amazing, she's so in love," Marquardt, 35, said of Wilkinson, 23, who recently became engaged to NFL player Hank Baskett. "She's changed so much. She's not even the same person. I mean, she is the same, but she's different. I love the old Kendra and I love the new Kendra."

    What is the "new Kendra"? "She's a lot more timely. She doesn't flash anymore. She's a lot more conservative. She's so in love," Marquardt told People. LOL, she doesn't flash people anymore? Well, good for her.

    Scarlett's Tissue Sells For 5K!

    A winning big of $5,3000 scored a lucky guy or girl the remnants of a tissue used by a cold-stricken Johansson when she appeared on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' a week ago. The 'Spirit' starlet joked that since she caught the cold from her co-star Samuel L. Jackson, the tissue was valuable, and agreed to put it on eBay. All of the proceeds from the sale of the tissue will go to benefit USA Harvest. The initial bid on the tissue was $.99, and 82 bids later, the tally topped $5,000. Would you ever buy a celebrity's used tissue?

    Ring In The New Year With The Kardashian's

    What are your New Year's Eve plans? Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, stars of their E! reality show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, are ready to kick-start 2009 with... well, maybe, you!

    The sisters will host a party at LAX Nightclub in Las Vegas - and anyone that wants to pay a ridiculously expensive cover charge and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with complete strangers in order to tell people you were in the same vicinity as these reality TV stars is welcome to attend! HaHa, we love it!


    New York really IS the toughest city in the world...

    Not even jolly ol'Saint Nick is safe from a parking ticket (you know, the cops DO have a ticket quota in the city...).

    Santa Claus has added a New York City traffic agent to his naughty list after she gave him a ticket while delivering gifts to children.

    Chip Cafiero says he'll fight the $115 ticket he received in Brooklyn on Black Friday when he was dressed as Santa.

    The 60-year-old retired schoolteacher was riding a horse-drawn carriage and handing out toys and candy canes. An SUV carrying the toys and protecting the horse from traffic was double parked next to him.

    Santa says he yelled "Ho! Ho! Ho!" to get the traffic agent's attention because the SUV wasn't blocking traffic. But in his words, "This grinch just went ahead and fined me."

    Local politician Martin Golden calls the parking ticket "ridiculous."

    Police won't comment on it.

    The Good News and The Bad News

    First, the good news: no one cares about The Hills anymore.

    *does happy dance*

    Variety reports that original episodes have tumbled 26% in the coveted 12-34 y.o. viewer demographic in the fourth quarter, compared with the same period last year.

    Buh-bye Speidi and your fake marriage -- and your fake EVERYTHING, actually. (On a side note, it aggravates me to no end that these two fame-seeking, attention-hungry, vapid, otherwise-worthless morons can fake an entire marriage ceremony and be afforded more rights than a gay/lesbian couple who've been together for years and genuinely love each other...)

    Now the bad news.

    In the same article, Variety informs us that MTV is working on a bunch of new reality shows.

    SIXTEEN new reality shows, to be exact!

    *bangs head against wall*

    If looks could kill...

    So classy. So elegant.
    See what hard living does to you, kids?

    This is Pamela Anderson at a car show, yesterday, in Las Vegas. Later that night, she was -- once again -- seen wandering the streets without pants on.

    So classy.

    Michael Jackson: This is the end?

    We already know he's a little sick in the head, but author Ian Halperin also claims Jacko is sick in the body and may be going blind!

    Ian, who just finished writing a tell-all about Jacko, told InTouch (via Fox News) that Jacko is suffering from a possibly fatal lung disease called Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Ian also says Jacko has emphysema and gastrointestinal bleeding.

    According to Ian, Jacko is pretty much blind in one eye and can barely speak words. Ian went on to say, “He needs a lung transplant but may be too weak to go through with it … [But] it’s the [gastrointestinal] bleeding that is the most problematic part. It could kill him.”

    So let's just recap all that. Jacko can't breathe, can't speak, is going blind and is turning transparent!

    Please, somebody smack her. HARD.

    While most of us are selling plasma, emptying out your basement on eBay, and working seasonal jobs for meager pay to make ends meet, Mary-Kate Olsen is skipping through department stores and having the greatest time ever!

    Page Six claims the evil troll was in an elevator at Barney's (for those of you that live outside of NYC, Barney's is like Macy's for millionaires. And Macy's isn't cheap...) and said this: "It's really sad - the recession is everywhere. But at least they are having good sales. That's where I got this! The recession!"

    Not everyone is punching at their overdue bills or climbing down the fire escape to avoid the landlord! Here we have Mary-Kate Olsen, single-handedly saving the economy with her Barney's shopping sprees! Someone get Obama on the phone...we have the answer to the recession right here.

    Yes, take comfort in that fact while you're trying to make a hearty soup out of old shoes and ketchup packets.

    Levi's Mom Busted!

    Sherry Johnston, the mother of Levi Johnston – the 18-year-old who is the father of Bristol Palin's soon-to-be-born baby – was charged with six felony counts of misconduct involving a controlled substance, Alaska's Anchorage Daily News reported Friday. Uh, oh, this isn't good, huh?

    Johnston, 42, was arrested Thursday at her home with a search warrant as part of an undercover drug investigation by Alaska State troopers. A spokeswoman for the troopers said in a statement late Friday afternoon that the charges "are in relation to the drug Oxycontin." She reportedly was released on a $5,000 unsecured bond just after 2 p.m.

    A rep for Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, mother of Bristol, said Thursday: "This is not a state government matter. Therefore the governor's communications staff will not be providing comment or scheduling interview opportunities."

    Hey, I can't blame her. I wouldn't want to comment on it either. That family has been giving the Palin's a bit of trouble, don't you think? Palin's daughter Bristol, 18, is nine months pregnant and had been due to give birth on Dec. 20th, that baby is right around the corner!

    The Duggar Family Welcomes Baby #18!

    Are you familiar with the Duggar family? On Monday night (tonight), the Duggars will officially update the name of their TLC network series, 17 Kids & Counting, to 18 Kids & Counting. Please, stop. Population control, people! Christmas came early for the Duggar family, in the form of Jordyn-Grace Makiya, born – via C-section - on Thursday.

    The name for this latest addition to the family was chosen only "the other day," said Jim Bob, with the family putting the decision to a vote. The only requirement, of course, was that – as with the rest of the children – the first name began with the letter J.

    Well, good for them, having all those healthy kids. I don't know how they do it, do you? Well, watch some of their reality show on TLC to find out more about this huge family! We wonder how they exchange presents in their household over the holidays, phew!

    Weekend Box Office Results

    The weekend relied mostly on the star power of Jim Carrey and Will Smith, who have been among the very few actors that could attract audiences in the past, but the movies they headlined, Yes Man and Seven Pounds respectively, didn't stand out otherwise. What we mean to say is, it was a pretty weak box office overall this weekend. Everyone is holiday shopping, that's why! Here are the top five movies in the box office from this weekend Dec. 19th-21st:

    1. Yes Man

    2. Seven Pounds

    3. The Tale of Desperaux

    4. The Day The Earth Stood Still

    5. Four Christmases

    Uh, Oh! Cisco Adler Arrested!

    Police in Fargo, N.D., arrested Cisco Adler, on Thursday morning after he punched a bar employee in the nose. Adler was released from jail at 1:26 a.m. after posting $500 bail. The incident took place during a brawl after his band's show at The Hub. He and his new band, Shwayze, had a minor hit this year with "Buzzin'" and they performed before the fight broke out.

    Authorities were called to the Fargo venue about 12:24 a.m. after receiving a report of 15 people brawling and fighting security and management on the northeast corner of the building, according to local police dispatch logs. That's what happens when you get some rich Hollywood brats out in the middle of North Dakota, I suppose!

    Cisco Adler was arrested on suspicion of simple assault and booked into Cass County Jail. There were no problems with the arrest.

    *Gasp* Robert Pattinson Gets A Haircut!

    Breaking news! Breaking news! The Twilight star's trademark long, never-been-washed tousled hair is gone. He was seen this weekend with a short new do - what do we think, PCM folks? Hot or not? We are definitely feeling the new clean-cut look.
    For the past week, 26-year-old Scorpion King 2 actor, Michael Copon, has been rumored to be replacing Taylor Lautner, 16, in the role of Jacob Black in the forthcoming Twilight movie sequel, New Moon.

    In the book series, Jacob Black's physique drastically grows beyond his natural teenage frame. 'Twilight' fans are reportedly speaking out against the change and want Lautner to stay in the role for the next film. What do you think? Would you be against a new actor playing Jacob Black in the next film?

    Paris Hilton Gets Robbed!

    American socialite and heir Paris Hilton was robbed at one of her homes! The burglar swiped two million dollars worth of jewelry and other valuables. The intruder is believed to have forced his way through the front door of her property in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, on Dec 19 before ransacking Hilton' bedroom. Ouch, not a very Merry Christmas for Ms. Hilton, huh?

    "According to detectives, a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt and gloves forced entry through the front door, ransacked her bedroom and took an undisclosed amount of property and then left the scene,"
    said French, of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).

    "Miss Hilton was not at home at the time the burglary occurred," he added. Hilton is grateful she wasn't in the house at the time, she is heartbroken by the loss.

    "I am devastated. I cannot believe someone broke into my house. They took items that had such sentimental value that no one will ever be able to replace. I'm just thankful that I wasn't there when it happened," she said.
    Hilton's mother Kathy has since reminded her daughter not to attach too much significance to material goods. Heh, somehow I don't think that's really going to help Paris recover.

    Fergie & Josh Duhamel Set A Date!

    After a year-long engagement, Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie and actor Josh Duhamel have set a date to tie the knot! The singer, 33, and the actor, 26, were engaged in December 2007. People reports the couple will make it official with a Los Angeles area wedding on January 10. The couple dated for over three years before Josh popped the question. Pretty exciting news, we think they are a pretty cute star couple!

    What else is on the horizon for the pair? Fergie will star in the upcoming flick "Nine," based on the 1982 Tony award-winning musical of the same name. Duhamel will reprise his role as Captain Lennox in the "Transformers" sequel next year. Can't wait for that to come out!


    PCM Picture of the Day!

    Despite the fact that this is the largest beast I've seen in a long while, he's still pretty cute.

    Oh, and the dog's kinda fat too.

    (You knew I was going there...)

    Dennis Quaid is treating this pug like the king he is by not letting his paws touch the ground. He's too good for walking. Besides, if he tried to walk, I think his legs would break. Or the floor would break.

    Here's Dennis and my new favorite celebrity dog at LAX yesterday. This is DEFINITELY a Picture of the Day!


    Deep Throat Has Died

    A true American hero has passed away today.

    W. Mark Felt, most famously known as "Deep Throat" -- the source which lead to the downfall of the OTHER corrupt President, Richard Nixon -- died today at 12:45pm at a hospice care facility in Santa Rosa, California. He was 95 years old. No cause of death was released immediately to the press, but it was known that Felt had suffered from congestive heart failure in recent years. His death was reported in the Washington Post by Bob Woodward.

    Felt was an agent of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, who retired in 1973 as the Bureau's Associate Director. After thirty years of denying his involvement with reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Felt revealed himself on May 31, 2005 to be the Watergate scandal whistleblower called "Deep Throat."

    Felt worked in several FBI field offices prior to his promotion to the Bureau's Washington headquarters. During the early investigation of the Watergate scandal (1972–74), Felt was the Bureau's Associate Director, the second-ranking post in the FBI. While Associate Director, Felt provided Washington Post reporter Woodward with critical leads on the story that eventually saw the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon in 1974. In 1980, Felt was convicted of the felony of violating the civil rights of people thought to be associated with members of the Weather Underground by ordering FBI agents to search their homes as part of an attempt to prevent bombings. He was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine but was pardoned by President Ronald Reagan during his appeal. In 2006, he published an update of his 1979 autobiography, The FBI Pyramid. His new book, written with John O'Connor, is titled A G-Man's Life.

    Rest in Peace, brave are a true beacon of democracy.

    Desperation has a first name, it's J-E-N-N-Y...

    Jenny has a movie coming out about a dog (and Clyde is DEFINITELY the star of that one -- according to reliable sources, the movie is basically "Rachel" married to Owen Wilson...Jennifer Aniston, as usual, gives the one-note performance that she always gives. She can't act, she looks like a haggard old broad, and she can't keep a man...CLAASSSYYY...), so she decided it was time to polish off her "Ah's soooo in lurveeees" gaze and bring John Mayer out for a little "surprise candid photo shoot with the paparazzi."

    If these pictures were black and white, they would look exactly like those fake photos that come with new frames.

    Here's Jenny and John leaving La Esquina in NYC last night after having dinner with Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos.

    (Yes, I am DEFINITELY Team Angelina...have been, always will's years later, and Jen is still bringing it up...meanwhile, Angelina and Brad have gone on to awards nominations, hit movies, and babies galore. The best revenge is moving on, and dear Jenny here hasn't gotten that memo. For those of you who think she's "classy" (HA!): please tell me what "classy" woman poses naked on GQ, slams her ex and his new partner (who also happens to be the mother of his children), and basically spends her time sulking around looking old and haggard, riding on the laurels of her "Friends" fame. At least Angelina Jolie ADMITS she's a hot mess. Jennifer Aniston's holier-than-thou, I'm-famous-from-a-show-that-ended-10-years-ago attitude wears EXTREMELY thin, and these photos do her no favors either...)


    The Comic Book Rumor Mill Rolls On

    Yesterday we reported that the rumor mill of comic book character possibilities were Rachel Weisz as Catwoman, Eddie Murphy as Riddler and Shia LaBeouf as Robin. Rumors.

    Today it's Marvell Universe's turn. How about recasting Tim Robbins as Howard Stark, Tony Stark's father. How do you do Ironman's father when you are literally only 7 years older than what the comic book character is now. The answer? Flashbacks. Those flashbacks apparently will involve Howard Stark in the Captain America project as well as building the A bomb in World War II. In addition, solid information indicates Hawkeye and Black Widow will play large roles in the next installment.

    Geard Sanders played Howard Stark in the first Ironman movie. However director Jon Favreau (Lead role in Swingers and directed Elf) has decided he needed an actor that can carry this part in the next film.

    The only real news is that Ironman's Downey is on board for the Avengers if it is made.

    David Letterman gets ultimate Christmas Gift from Jennifer Aniston

    If you didn't catch Letterman the other night you missed out. Jennifer Aniston not only showed her class and courage, she showed at age 39 she still had the body to dress and impress.

    Was it even necessary? After all when you pose on the cover of GQ with nothing but a necktie and your birthday suit, people know it.

    People know it so well that when she arrived on David Letterman's show last night, she decided to give Dave her naked neck-tie as a gift.

    Check it out blow-by-blow, thanks to a PCM YouTuber...


    Nominations for the 15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards® for outstanding performances in 2008 in five film and eight primetime television categories and for the SAG honors for film and television stunt ensembles were announced this morning in Los Angeles at the Pacific Design Center’s Silver Screen Theater in West Hollywood. First the Golden Globes got us excited and now this! The entire list of nominees was way too long and exciting for us to post so we thought we'd give you just a taste of who in the world of movies were nominated this year! Who are you hoping will win?

    Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role

    RICHARD JENKINS / Walter Vale - "THE VISITOR" (Overture Films)
    FRANK LANGELLA / Richard Nixon - "FROST/NIXON" (Universal Pictures)
    SEAN PENN / Harvey Milk - "MILK" (Focus Features)
    BRAD PITT / Benjamin Button - "THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON" (Paramount Pictures)
    MICKEY ROURKE / Randy - "THE WRESTLER" (Fox Searchlight Pictures)

    Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role

    ANNE HATHAWAY / Kym - "RACHEL GETTING MARRIED" (Sony Pictures Classics)
    ANGELINA JOLIE / Christine Collins - "CHANGELING" (Universal Pictures)
    MELISSA LEO / Ray Eddy - "FROZEN RIVER" (Sony Pictures Classics)
    MERYL STREEP / Sister Aloysius Beauvier - "DOUBT" (Miramax Films)
    KATE WINSLET / April Wheeler - "REVOLUTIONARY ROAD" (Paramount Vantage)

    Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

    JOSH BROLIN / Dan White - "MILK" (Focus Features)
    ROBERT DOWNEY, JR. / Kirk Lazarus - "TROPIC THUNDER" (Paramount Pictures)
    PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN / Father Brendan Flynn - "DOUBT" (Miramax Films)
    HEATH LEDGER / Joker - "THE DARK KNIGHT" (Warner Bros. Pictures)
    DEV PATEL / Older Jamal - "SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE" (Fox Searchlight Pictures)

    Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role

    AMY ADAMS / Sister James - "DOUBT" (Miramax Flms)
    PENÉLOPE CRUZ / Maria Elena - "VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA" (The Weinstein Company)
    VIOLA DAVIS / Mrs. Miller - "DOUBT" (Miramax Films)
    KATE WINSLET / Hanna Schmitz - "THE READER" (The Weinstein Company)

    Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture

    DOUBT (Miramax)
    FROST/NIXON (Universal Pictures)
    MILK (Focus Features)
    SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE (Fox Searchlight Pictures)

    MMA Fighter Dead

    Justin Levens & wife Sarah were found shot dead in Laguna Beach California last night. The 28 year old Mixed Martial Arts fighter competed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and other martial arts organizations. He held a 7-2 record in the MMA. The cause of death is presumed at present as a murder suicide.

    They were found dead in bed by Leven's mother in law. The gun was found at the scene with no apparent signs of struggle between the two.

    Is it the pressure of performing or the performing that creates the pressure in which so many entertainers turn to such drastic acts?

    Stephanie Tanner, we hardly knew ye...

    Before we get into this hot mess, I would like to point out the Ed Hardy shirts on these two. First of all, I hate Ed Hardy. H8E. His stuff looks like the old-time graffiti that used to populate the Queens Blvd. underpass where I grew up. I don't want that on my shirt, and I think people who spend hundreds of dollars on one shirt for this travesty (especially in this day and age, when people are losing their jobs left and right, and can't afford to put food on their table) are self-serving douche-nozzles.

    Aside from that, people who buy Ed Hardy "couture" are also being duped. BADLY. In France, the term haute couture is protected by law and is defined by the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris based in Paris, France. Their rules state that only "those companies mentioned on the list drawn up each year by a commission domiciled at the Ministry for Industry are entitled to avail themselves" of the label haute couture. The criteria for haute couture were established in 1945 and updated in 1992.
    To earn the right to call itself a couture house and to use the term haute couture in its advertising and any other way, members of the Chambre syndicale de la haute couture must follow these rules:

    Design made-to-order for private clients, with one or more fittings.

    Have a workshop (atelier) in Paris that employs at least fifteen people full-time.

    Each season (i.e., twice a year), present a collection to the Paris press, comprising at least thirty-five runs with outfits for both daytime wear and evening wear.

    However, the term haute couture may have been misused by ready-to-wear brands since the late 1980s, so that its true meaning may have become blurred with that of prêt-à-porter (the French term for ready-to-wear fashion) in the public perception.

    In a nutshell, Ed Hardy, you're an idiot. You no more make couture than those idiot groupies who cut up band shirts and call it "rock wear."

    ANYWAY, Stephanie Tanner and her estranged husband, Cody Herpin, were in an Orange County, CA court room this morning for an emergency custody hearing. During the hearing, the judge ordered that Jodie Sweetin can't be with her 8-month-old daughter Zoie without one of her parents present. This is beyond "how rude!"

    Herpin told the judge that his former meth head wife is a lousy mom who shouldn't be alone with their daughter. Herpin said Jodie once drove drunk with their baby in the car. Some doctor-type confirmed that Jodie was back on the booze for a quick minute, but said that she's been talking to her sponsor and going to AA meetings.

    Herpin's lawyer told People that they know she's boozing, "but there's also concern regarding methamphetamines."

    TMZ says that both Herpin and Sweetin have to get drug tested before the next hearing.

    Happy Barfday Everyone!

    Speaking of Brad's his birthday! He turns 45. (Oy Gods)

    Also celebrating a birthday today: Robot Katie Holmes (30), formerly drrrrrtygurl X-tina Aguilera (28), Stone Cold Steve Austin (44 -- what, STEVE AUSTIN is younger than BRAD PITT? OY GODS!), and...

    Believe it or not, Keith Richards lives to see another day. Miraculously, he made it to 65. That man's a walking pharmacy, but he's also a living legend, and therefore, he gets the headlining picture. Happy Barfday everyone!

    Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: Prenup?

    Yeah, I know: these two again. God bless 'em, I love 'em both, and I am TOTALLY Team Angelina in that forever-brewing Jen-Brad-Angie triangle (if this were the 50's, it would have been the Debbie-Eddie-Liz triangle...ask your grandparents...).

    ANYWAY, this Friday's Star magazine (the beacon of truth, to be sure) is reporting that before saying their "I dos," Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are signing a $200 million pre-nup that details what will happen to their finances, their property and their children if they split up.

    This sounded a little far-fetched, so MomLogic asked their rep if this pre-nup rumor was true. They also asked if they are planning to marry or are expecting another baby, as Star magazine reports. "There is no truth to any of these claims," Oren Segal said.

    Now we know.

    Third Batman Movie Takes Shape

    They key to the latest Batman movie franchise is almost a lock, Christopher Nolan is on board. But that could fall apart as Warner Bros. wants Nolan to move on the project quickly. He is taking a careful approach to respect the character and fans. Word is Rachel Weisz may play Catwoman (wild rumour). Shia LaBeouf is also rumoured to be playing Robin. The latest breaking news is Eddie Murphy will play the Riddler.
    PCM can tell you that the first News Organization to break this was The Sun. The Sun has a habit of breaking news without confirming sources. So we bring you this news with trepidation.

    If Nolan stays on board, rest assured Eddie will play the Riddler straight and the movie won't jump the shark.


    See How Much Hanson has Matured!

    Wow. I am completely impressed! Please check out the video below from our friends at, which focuses on the Hanson brothers "Talk The Walk" where the brothers gather together a bunch of fans before their shows in various cities to take a "barefoot" walk to raise money and awareness to hlep end poverty in Africa!

    Legendary And Black Tide Brought Together For Music Video Competition

    Gamecock Media Group and Interscope Records today announced that they have brought together heavy metal stars Black Tide with Spark Unlimited, developer of the acclaimed action game of mythic proportions, Legendary, for a contest that puts fans in the director’s seat.
    By visiting, fans of Black Tide and Legendary will be able to combine live concert footage of the band with clips from the video game to create a music video for the song Warriors of Time. Once completed, videos are uploaded to YouTube with links to the video posted to the competition website.
    On February 22nd, 2009 the best videos will be chosen by Black Tide and Spark, and a bevy of prizes will be awarded. Prizes that will be given to the winners include:

    Grand Prize:
    - Gaming Computer, Schecter Guitar, Original Game Artwork, a copy of the game, T-shirt + CD + Poster
    Runner Up (2) Prizes:
    -T-shirt + CD+ Poster and a copy of the game
    The deadline for entry is February 22nd so be sure to go to the website and start creating your masterpiece right away!

    For a mashup of gaming and rock, check out the video example:

    The Pussycat Dolls Hang With The Newly Crowned Sexiest Man Alive!

    Check out this photo of (most) of the Pussycat Dolls with People’s sexiest man alive and future Oscar host Hugh Jackman! The pic was snapped backstage at the “Wetten Dass” TV show in Stuttgart, Germany.

    LoL....this is too much sex appeal for one photo! We Love it!

    PCD will be heading back to Germany next year on their Doll Domination world tour. Head over to for all dates including their special guest slot on Britney Spears’ upcoming Circus tour.

    Ashlee & Pete on The Dog Whisperer!

    Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz, and their dogs Hemingway and Rigby, will be on an upcoming episode of Dog Whisperer on Sunday, December 28! Ha, pretty exciting! While expecting their first child, pop star Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and "Fall Out Boy" bassist/lyricist Pete Wentz, were concerned how their aggressive, but beloved, English bulldog Hemingway would react when the baby arrived.

    They hoped a canine companion might help, but when 5-month-old English bulldog Rigby joined the budding family, Hemingway's dog aggression escalated. As Ashlee's due date rapidly approaches, Cesar is called in to help the couple create a balanced environment that will be safe for their newborn.

    Will Cesar have these rock stars and their dogs singing a new tune? Check out a brief clip below and be sure to tune into the show and watch Cesar work his magic!


    Bad Celebrity Tattoo Alert

    Hey PCM readers, didn't we just go through this Monday after Megan Fox dressed in a sexy read dress with embarrassing tattoos on her arms?

    If these things happen in three's here is number two...
    Rumer Willis (Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's daughter) has some ridiculous tattoos of her own to display. Forget diamonds, it appears tattoos are a girls new best friend. The problem is tattoos and expensive dresses send a clear message to anyone looking. "Trailer Trash".
    What makes this so pitiful is this display of bad taste was intended to showcase Dolce & Gabbana's elite clientele at their new boutique in Los Angeles.
    It is a simple case of "You can take the take trash out of the trailer, but you can't take out the trailer trash".