This week we were on top of yet another hot topic.
Christian Bale's rant. Well it seems the pressure of the Internet has brought Christian to the realization he is accountable. Nice. But just as important, Christian gave his side of things in an effort for us all to understand how he came to behave so poorly the day he went on his
foul mouthed four minute rant at cinematographer Shane Hurlbut.
<---Audio Link unsafe for work or kids. Christian Bale called into an L.A. morning radio program as his platform to speak. During his call in to the show he made a point to fall on his sword. He absolutely wants the public to forgive his behavior.
Rather than speak for him here are his own words as he spoke at length: "It's been a miserable week for me... ... I know I have a pottymouth, everybody knows that now.... ...The things I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief, I was way out of order. I acted like a punk, I regret that and there is nobody that has heard that tape that has been hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it, it is inexcusable and I hope that is absolutely clear. Ya know? ...and one thing that has really disturbed me throughout this because, because I'm just, I'm not - I'm not familiar-I'm not comfortable with this notion of being a movie star, I've always - I'm an actor, and I and I don't know how to handle the movie star thing. And the thing that disturbs me so much is that I've heard a lot of people saying that I seem to think I'm better than anybody else. And NOTHING could be farther from the truth. I am a lucky (pause) I don't want to swear, I'm a lucky (background laugther) S.O.B. I never forget that and that is why I put so much into what I do and why I care so much about it and why sometimes that enthusiasm just goes awry. And please, if anybody ever sees that I that really am thinking I'm better than anybody else, stick a fork in my backside turn me over I will be done. That is not me."
He continued after the DJ interviewing him joked that they gave him points for such a long rant, but Christian really was on task in his purpose to calling. Humility was his agenda so he answered to that point, "Absolutely listen, and let me tell you how I had that much energy ... let me try to put this into a little bit of context because there have seemed to be so many people that have given opinions about this but--you know what? None of them were there. Now so, we're making Terminator. I'm assuming you are familiar with the mythology. Have you seen T2? (interviewers agree), It is a great movie. And in it you will meet Sarah Connor. And she's in an insane asylum. Why is she there? Because she IS CRAAZY! (laughter). Now I play John Connor her son. And on the day that all of this happened the scene that we were doing I was trying to show a little of that in the blood craziness. And you know what? It went very wrong. And for reasons that, that-that that myself, and Shane (the DP) and every crew member that were in that hanger at Kirtland Air force Base that day they know the reasons, I got annoyed and what happened I made it ugly. And that was awful of me. I, I, I took it all way too far. And I completely mixed up fact and fiction--I'm half John Connor, I'm half Christian there, and... we all heard exactly what I said."
...I'm embarrassed by it. I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely. Feel free to make fun of me at my expense; I deserve it completely.
The DJ's offered up the caveat that people such as actors in the creative enterprise should have the right to screw up without having what they say aired as dirty laundry. Again Bale took ownership: "I hear you completely but it's no excuse. Because you know what. That, that confidentiality-that trust is really not there for covering up bad behavior."
Reflecting that this all took place last July (2008) the inevitable question was what about his intent to get the cinematographer (Shane) fired? "Oh listen, I've not only talked with him, we have resolved this completely, that very day we kept working for a number of hours. Listen when I'm saying 'I'm not coming back on the set if he's still hired' --You know what? It's hot air. I'm I have no intention of getting anybody fired. I absolutely believe in Shane's capability. He'd done a wonderful job on that movie. We not only kept working that day we worked together for at least a MONTH after that. Every single day. We saw each other two weeks back. And we worked together then. Everything is RESOLVED between us. There is no problem whatsoever. He's done a great job with it. And I really want through this in case any ones considered he's not doing a great job, I want everyone to know, I've seen a rough cut of the movie it looks fantastic and he's done a wonderful professional job."
Christian closed with explaining that he knows a lot of people won't see the movie because they think he is a 'Prima Donna'. Bale explained, "It ain't that. It's just maybe sometimes I care too much."
Bale closed begging, "Please, I'm asking people, do not allow my one time lapse in judgment my my incredibly embarrassing melt down to overshadow this movie. And to have all of those peoples hard work go to waste." He added that he didn't bully Shane as Shane was an ex football player and a big guy himself.
His final words: "I just want to make completely clear, I am embarrassed by it and I regret it; and I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and REALLY regretted it immensely."
I'm a forgiving man. I forgive Bale for his outburst and I get it. But he has little wiggle room for error going forward as he was indeed arrested after a complaint by his own family members in England at the time of Batman: The Dark Knight's release in the summer of 2008. I get that actors have an edge, but we are all accountable. Let's hope Christian has learned from this. Otherwise this long apology will be as he said, 'hot air'.